Support the USCBS mission!

The Blue Shield is the internationally recognized symbol used to mark protected cultural property during war and armed conflict. USCBS is the only organization that unites members from all cultural property professions and disciplines, cultural heritage institutions, government agencies, emergency services, and the armed forces to address critical issues in cultural property protection for our nation.

We depend on our membership contributions to implement our programs – become a member today!

Our Mission

To protect movable and immovable tangible heritage, including museums, archives, libraries, monuments, and heritage sites, by providing awareness programs, advocating for implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention, and facilitating training for the armed forces, government agencies, heritage organizations, and the general public.

Benefits of Membership

You will receive newsletters, email updates on USCBS programs, activities and volunteer opportunities, and invitations to USCBS events.

U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization and the full amount of your contribution is tax deductible within the limitations of the law.

Our success depends on the support of our membership. Your involvement helps USCBS continue to advocate for the protection of heritage collections around the world.

USCBS Member Levels

Membership in the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield is open to anyone concerned about protecting cultural property during armed conflict. Through membership dues, USCBS receives critical support for programs offering cultural property training for the U.S. military, cultural emergency response teams, and educating the public about the 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict.

$25 – Student, First Responder, or Active Duty Military Member

All students enrolled in post-secondary education, individuals working as first responders, and those currently serving in the military.


  • Complimentary Blue Shield pin
  • Subscription to USCBS electronic newsletter
  • Invitations to programs and meetings, including members-only webinars

$50 – Emerging Professional or Post-Graduate Member

Those who have recently finished their training/education and professionals beginning their careers. A qualifying individual is eligible to enroll in this tier for three years, after which time they can renew their membership as a Regular Member.


  • Complimentary Blue Shield pin
  • Subscription to USCBS electronic newsletter
  • Invitations to programs and meetings, including members-only webinars

$100 – Regular Member

An individual committed to cultural property protection who does not fall into any of the above categories.


  • Complimentary Blue Shield pin
  • Subscription to USCBS electronic newsletter
  • Invitations to programs and meetings, including members-only webinars

$250 – Individual Benefactor

An individual who wishes to provide increased support to cultural property protection.


  • Complimentary Blue Shield pin
  • Subscription to USCBS electronic newsletter
  • Invitations to programs and meetings, including members-only webinars
  • Copy of USCBS annual report

Institutional Members

Any institution (museum, library, archive, professional organization, or other organization) that is interested in becoming an institutional member, please email

Current Members

If you are a current member and have a change of address or other update to your contact information, please email us with the information.

To current and past members, thank you for supporting USCBS and your commitment to the protection of our shared heritage in collections and sites throughout the world. To future members, we look forward to your joining us in our mission.

Payment by check

If you prefer to mail your membership or donation, or if you would like to pay by check, please use the form below.

U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield
1405 South Fern Street, Suite 90617, Arlington, VA 22202

Affiliate Organizations